MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSE (MOOC)Introduction to socially engaged arts: Diverse approaches for mitigating societal challenges through arts-based initiatives |
AMASS Policy White PaperSuggestions for Stakeholders and Policymakers based on the Findings of the AMASS Project
EDITORS | Sofia Lindström Sol (University of Borås), Andrea Kárpáti (Corvinus University of Budapest), Melanie Sarantou (University of Lapland), Carolina Gutiérrez Novoa (PACO Design Collaborative), and Silvia Remotti (PACO Design Collaborative)
The Role of the Arts in Mitigating Societal ChallengesRegional Policy Roadmaps for Seven European CountriesEDITORS | Sofia Lindström Sol, Melanie Sarantou, Silvia Remotti, Carolina Gutiérrez Novoa
AMASS conference
Documents of Socially Engaged ArtRaphael Vella & Melanie Sarantou (Editors)
Publisher: InSEA (2021) doi:10.24981/2021-DSEA ISBN: 978-989-54830-4-4 The relationship between artistic processes and the promotion of different social relations has characterised discourse in the arts and other fields like education, activism and cultural policy for many years. However, studies on strategies employed in the documentation of social engagement in art are less common, making Documents of Socially Engaged Art a timely and significant contribution to the debate on social practice in contemporary artistic practices. In three sections, this collection of essays studies different modes of documentation that are employed in collaborative artistic or design processes, including multiple approaches that reflect artists’, participants’, academics’ and educators’ viewpoints. As innovative archives are produced, new partnerships are formed, transforming these audio-visual and other documents into veritable works of social engagement rather than mere reproductions of artworks or performances. |
Arts-based Social Interventions: First results of the AMASS testbedArts-based social interventions: First results of the AMASS Testbed.
Proceedings of the 1. AMASS Symposium Andrea Kárpáti & Melanie Sarantou (Editors) Publisher: University of Lapland (2021) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.553994 ISBN: 978- 952-337-270-2 |
AMASS Special IssueJournal Invisibilidades #15
APECV, Portugal |
Conducting Participatory Arts Projects: A Practical ToolkitRaphael Vella & Margerita Pulè (Editors)
Publisher: University of Lapland (2021) ISBN: 978-952-337-245-0 |
Arts-based social interventions:
Gaps in the knowledge, challenges and needs of the research in the field: Findings from the AMASS projectPresentation by Andrea Kárpáti (Corvinus University Budapest ) and Sofia Lindström Sol (University of Borås)
Year: 2021 EU DG R&I workshop: The role of the arts for social cohesion |
Arts for Social CohesionPresentation by Raphael Vella ( University of Malta)
Year: 2021 |
Comparative Policy Analysis and Evaluation of Artistic ProjectsAMASS REPORT (DELIVERABLE 1.2)
WP1 PROJECT PERIOD: FEBRUARY 01.02.2020 – 31.01.2023 |
Data set of Case StudiesDATA SET OF CASE STUDIES IN THE ARTS 2008-2020
AMASS REPORT (DELIVERABLE 2.1) WP2 PROJECT PERIOD: FEBRUARY 01.02.2020 – 31.01.2023 Acting on the Margin: Art as Social Sculpture AMASS 870621 Editor: Andrea Kárpáti Contributors: Zsófia Somogyi-Rohonczy, Ágnes Veszelszky, Eszter Deli, Marie Fulkova, Magdalena Novotná, Silvia Remotti, Carolina Gutierrez Novoa, Raphael Vella, Margerita Pule, Isabelle Gatt, Aidan Celeste, Angela Saldanha, Teresa Eça, Raquel Balsa, Tang Tang, Paul Wilson, Maria Huhmarniemi, Mirja Hiltunen, Melanie Sarantou, Satu Miettinen |